Un año después, el ANCLAJE DE ORO!
Abdon nos muestra las modificaciones que le a agregado a su Anclaje de Oro. Le gusta trepar en en este tipo de anclaje cuando se requiere solamente limpiar el árbol y no tumbar.
Abdon nos muestra las modificaciones que le a agregado a su Anclaje de Oro. Le gusta trepar en en este tipo de anclaje cuando se requiere solamente limpiar el árbol y no tumbar.
Abdon goes through and talks about some of the slight modifications, and/or add ons, he made to the Golden Retrieval Canopy Anchor for SRS. Typically, he climbs on a Golden Retrieval when performing a deadwood, crown clean, crown reductions or...
Usando una polea abierta le ayuda mantener su sistema de soga estacionaria in linea con su cuerda de trepa.
Here's another way of setting up a SRS configuration without using a hitch climber pulley.
There are plenty of ways to get up a tree. You could stick with the simple methods of hip thrusting or foot locking, or even the fan-favorite Rope Walking Technique. Sometimes you just need to switch it up. Some lesser-known methods of ascending trees include the Frog Walker...
Nos han preguntado; por qué necesito un conectador singular or doble para atar el rope wrench al mosquetón? Aquí le damos una de las razones notando las diferencias de los dos estilos de conectadores.
So, the question has been asked; Why would I need a double over a single leg tether? Here, Cody gives us a quick review as to why you may end up choosing a double leg tether over the single......
Chris shows us how he likes to employ his favorite MRS redirect. Check it out and let us know what you think.
It’s December and we’re close to moving onto the new year! So, it’s only right that we do that with a Moving Rope System! Whether you’re on a Blake’s hitch closed system, Split Tail open Blake’s, Hitch Climber System or...