Types of Rigging Slings
In this video we talk about some of the differences on the rigging slings that we do offer.
In this video we talk about some of the differences on the rigging slings that we do offer.
En lugar de un Port-a-Wrap, lo que tenemos aquí es un descendedor 8 clásico para aplicar fricción. Con este método se puede usar para cargas ligeras o medianas.
Forgot your Port-a-Wrap at home?!? No worries you might have these items in your kit already. Here we are using a steel figure 8 for light to medium duty rigging scenarios.
Aquí les muestran un opción para crear un sistema de cordaje recuperable desde el suelo. Simplemente usando un salva ramas de anillo a anillo, un prussic, y el Rock Exotica Swivabiner, con estas herramientas ya tienen ustedes un sistema...
Somedays you just don't want to go back up and retrieve a block pulley set up, and we completely agree! That's why we are sharing a light duty rigging setup that IS retrievable from the ground! By using Rock...
Oh yeah, you read that right! Sending down multiple limbs through a knotless rigging system has the potential to speed up a removal process and cut down time--just like Han Solo and Chewbacca did when they pushed the Millennium Falcon...
Aquí les muestran cómo equilibrar un tronco usando solamente una soga de cordaje.
Here's a trick for balancing out a limb using ONLY your rig line. We know eyeballing the limb to find the center of balance works great, but this is another option if eyeballing isn't really the best for you.
En este video Abdon nos muestra qué tan fácilmente es para instalar y utilizar esta Eslinga con Dedal de Cuerda.