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Useful Technology, Apps and Websites

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdowns that many of us are in at the moment, we figured it was a good time to talk about some technology apps and websites that might make your life easier for the time being. While we are social distancing from everyone, including our co-workers, maybe it's a good time to see what types of things we can still get done while keeping the distance. This is a great time for owner operators to get their equipment in top shape and for others to tighten up on some of the reading or education they've been meaning to do for a while. But what else is there for us to look into to help our companies become more efficient throughout this process? Well, let's take a look!

Zoom Meet -

First things first, everyone seems to be using Zoom at the moment for video conferencing. This is a great way to offer training for some of your employees while they are at home. Maybe you could do a quick refresher training on knots or go through some different climbing techniques. Maybe even a quick touch up on cabling basics. These are all things that can allow your employees to still get some training and keep them in the game while off work for the foreseeable future. Zoom makes it great because everyone can see what the main speaker is talking about while also being able to ask questions. Since it is a video conference, the main speaker can watch exactly what the others are doing to make sure they are tying the knots correctly or doing what they are asked throughout the training. There have already been emails sent out from various training facilities offering EHAP and other training courses. Pretty cool!

Jobber -

Another cool tech thing to look into is Jobber. Jobber is a platform that streamlines your quoting, tracking and invoicing to clients. This system makes it super easy to get quotes sent out even before leaving the property as well as getting paid without having to physically speak to the client. This is huge right now in the midst of our social distancing while in a pandemic! If you have to go out for a hazard job, you want to get paid right? Well Jobber makes that as easy as a simple click of a button on their website. They also offer job mapping which allows you to find the fastest and most efficient way to multiple addresses throughout your day so you aren't wasting time driving around aimlessly while doing PHC or sales! Nice!

Animated Knots -

How many of you are good at tying knots? How many of you want to know how to tie a couple more? Well, Animated Knots has a super cool app that shows you how to tie ALL kinds of different knots, hitches, and bends! This app has actually animated the tying process so that you can easily see and understand how the knot is tied. The animation is the best part because it allows you to fully grasp the movements beyond what a typical video can show you. This is a great way to pass the time while still learning some new stuff while hanging out around the house. This is also something you could do with your kids while waiting out the virus.

Google Maps -

Lastly, did you know that Google Maps has a section of their software that allows you to track way points on a map? It also allows you to label all of these points so that you know exactly was at that tiny dot on the map. Now you might be asking me why any of this matters? Right?!? Well for any of you that have been involved with tree inventories, this is a great way to track hundreds upon hundreds of trees on a map while also being able to export the info into a file for your client to use in the future. The best part about this is the fact that it's free to use! Many other inventory software cost upwards of $2000! Just Google search "Google My Maps" and start working away from there. This may not be something you use all the time, or even every month, but for those of you that are getting into doing tree inventories for municipalities or large properties, this is a great way to get in the door without a huge overhead. I have personally used this for doing inventories of over 500 trees and it worked flawlessly!

Bartlett Youtube Channel -

Check out our Youtube Channel as well as our other blog talking about some of the other cool tech things that are out there for arborist!

So this is just a quick list of some things to start looking into while you are at home hanging out for the next couple weeks. Be sure to keep in shape while being off work as well. Stay safe and stay healthy!

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