Escalando Arboles -- Truco para un anclaje de dosel!
Abdon no muestra un truco my util para instalar un anillo en su cuerda de trepa.
Abdon no muestra un truco my util para instalar un anillo en su cuerda de trepa.
Did you mean to install a ring prior to sending up the rope, but forgot?! Don't worry, this trick will help you out!
In this How-To series, Abdon shares the basics on how to climb SRT/SRS!
In this quick video, Doc runs through some of the great features about this BATTERY powered saw!
We cut on the ground = we watch our body positioning. We lift heavy logs = we watch our body positioning. So why is it so difficult to use a work positioning lanyard while up and about in the crown?...
En este video Abdon nos muestra como amarrar un nudo Mariposa al fin de cuerda. Este modo funciona para hacer un anclaje para sistema de trepa en operaciones de derribe.
This way of tying the Alpine Butterfly works wonders when you want to create a cinching anchor.
Whether you're an experienced climber, experienced ground personnel, a mountaineer or an enthusiastic outdoor explorer, having the right footwear is crucial for a successful and safe climb. One brand that has consistently stood to me out in the world of...
You already know how awesome Silky Saws are for tackling big, tough material—sometimes, you don’t even need a chainsaw. But here’s the thing: those extra-large teeth can be a bit of a problem when you’re pruning smaller or more delicate stuff,...