How to Tree Limb Walk with Abdon
Abdon shares some of the ways that he will approach a limb walk.
Abdon shares some of the ways that he will approach a limb walk.
Chris shares some of his techniques in order to have a successful limb walk.
Previously in Rigging with Minimal Gear - Part 1, we covered rigging out limbs with just a rope. Today, I would use tree rigging rings or blocks to create a false branch union, but how was negative rigging done before the ring?...
Being an arborist is a very rewarding profession that involves the care and maintenance of trees. It’s so much more than showing up and removing a tree! Of course tree removals are part of the job, but removals should be...
Esta técnica es util cuando se necesita otra opción de posicionamiento.
In this video, Chris shows us a secondary tie in method that involves only your rope!
Abdon nos muestra como ascender un árbol inclinado fácilmente, utilizando su acollador de posicionamiento.
Here in this video, Chris shows us a quick tip to ascending the tree by utilizing his lanyard. This specific technique definitely handy climbing a tree with a gnarly bow.